Sunday, August 25, 2013

Shot of Vanilla

Hey World!  Let's get this party started...

Word: Dilettante - n. a person who takes up an art, activity, or subject merely for amusement, especially in a desultory or superficial way; dabbler.
Song: "Sunday Morning" by Maroon 5
Color: Perennial Green - The weather is nice, birds are chirping, and the police sirens are only faint, so things are well over here in Dorchester.

Real breakfast, you know, the kind that threatens our longevity and always includes at least one farmland animal, is certainly my favorite meal.  I'm fine with fruit and hot/cold cereal on any given weekday morning, but I always wake up on weekends excited by the prospect of eating something much more substantial.  However, I rarely eat the Paul Bunyan-style breakfast even when I have the time.  While I love checking out local restaurants for their takes on the traditions, I enjoy cooking, especially for company.  My most successful breakfast item is a stack of pancakes of which I adapted a recipe from the Allrecipes app.

Recently, my sister called me after my pancakes randomly crossed her mind.  Yes they are THAT dope...but not really.  She's always encouraging me to do something (ex. this blog) and sees an opening over at the Food Network with my name on it.  When I told her that I basically only add vanilla (sometimes I sprinkle other things like cinnamon) to an already good recipe and shouldn't get too much credit for it, she replied saying that adding my extra step is what made it mine.  Now, hold the phone, I'm not ignorant to the daily battles that inventors, music producers, choreographers, playwrights, and other creative minds engage in to protect what they've created; adding more snares to a Dr. Dre beat or slang to Shakespeare doesn't make it yours.  This is not that.  For generations, recipes have been passed down, sold, and adulterated.  What I take from adding your own flare to a formula is that there's much to be gain from even a small step.

We're always following preset rules and practices, which is generally great when considering how the only thing keeping us from regularly crashing into oncoming cars 3 feet to the left of us are painted lines and stoplights.  Again, this is not that.  I'm thinking more along the lines of how we treat ourselves and communicate with others.  Too often, we sacrifice giving more of ourselves for fear of rocking invisible boats.  That's why too many office and civic cultures suck.  It's not that these places are devoid of generous, humorous, caring, and loyal people, most people just don't feel comfortable enough giving a little more of who they really are...that shot of vanilla.*  Some of the most successful people, regardless of profession, achieve greatness by simply adding a little more.  The extrovert might speak up during a meeting while the introvert might put thoughts in writing.  One person might pollinate the office asking every colleague how his or her family is doing while another might invest a lot of time in helping one stranger with an immediate issue.  You get it.  We can do more, not only because we're capable, but because it leaves an impression that is often both reciprocated and multiplied. 

Alors, have a little more fun showing people who you are, even if it's subtle and seemingly inconsequential.  Keep that work email professional and relevant, but you don't have to be a robot.  Not everyone has to be your best friend, but I'm sure you have more in common with many of the people you frequently interact than you think.  Cook up better conversations, even if only for a few extra seconds.  Life tastes better that way.

Happy Sunday!  Don't stress about Monday.

*For those who quickly saw the irony in adding a shot of vanilla to spice things up or give more of your unique self, I chuckle with you.  Thanks for seeing the big picture :-)

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